Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nicole Richie Discusses Her Latest Novel, Priceless

Nicole Richie Discusses Her Latest Novel, Priceless
By Shelah Moody
Photos by Kevin Casey
“As the beautiful young woman strode through the international arrivals terminal at JFK, several people turned to look. A flight attendant noticed the way she carried herself, the clothes she wore, here shoes, and guessed she’d just walked out of first class. She was right.”—Nicole Richie, “Priceless.”

Nicole Richie knows a lot about power, fame and money. As the daughter of Grammy winning singer/songwriter Lionel Richie, the reality show star, fashionista and philanthropist has been in the limelight most of her life. (Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones are her godfathers).  Richie’s  past feud with BFF Paris Hilton, her co-star on “The Simple Life”  reality series and her struggle with drug addiction made her a popular media target. After a long journey toward healing and redemption, Richie had two children, daughter Harlow Winter Kate Richie-Madden and son Sparrow James Midnight Madden with her boyfriend, Joel Madden, and found her voice as a popular fiction writer.  In 2005, Richie released her first novel, “The Truth about Diamonds.”

Richie is currently on tour promoting her second novel, “Priceless”  (Atria Books), which deals with fame, power, romance and intrigue.  I caught up with the gracious and glamorous author last week during a signing at Book Passage bookstore in San Francisco.  
Q: How old were you when you started writing fiction?
A: When I was first approached to write “The Truth about Diamonds,” I really had not written fiction before. I had written a lot in my journals when I was younger, but that by no means is anything close to writing a fiction novel.
Q: Do you carry a notepad with you and write down ideas when you travel?
A: I do, when I travel, I have a lot of down time and that’s when I’m along and can really be alone with my thoughts.
Q: Which writers have inspired you?
A: I love Danielle Steel and Jackie Collins is a great writer.
Q: What’s the subject of your next book?
A: You know, as I’m coming to the end of this book tour, that’s when I can really open my mind and dive into a new story. I haven’t started yet, but I am going to release it next fall.
Q: How long did it take you to write “Priceless?” What are the similarities between yourself and the main character?
A: This novel took me about six months to write. There aren’t many similarities between myself and this character. Charlotte—she’s very brave and she makes the decisions to leave everything she knows and start a new life. She’s much more brave than I am. I really admire and look up to this character. 
Q: As a mother, do you think that you will write a children’s book some day?
A: Possibly. Yes! I would love to one day.
For more information on Nicole Richie’s novel, “Priceless,” go to:
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