Thursday, February 25, 2016

Ahmed Sirour The B’Earthday Boy Collection


I love to hear artists who have their own take on music. The originality of how they put it all together is mind blowing. I can’t believe Ahmed Sirour, this guy is awesome. This composer, arranger, producer, sound engineer from Brooklyn, New York is a self-taught musician and a gift to the music universe. I say this because his remixes and mash ups of songs like, "Always Get Away" - Lenora Jaye, "Billie Jean" - Michael Jackson, "Brazilian Skies" - Bill Summers, "Eleanor Rigby" - The Beatles, "Family Affair" - Sly & The Family, "Love Wicki Like This" - The Fatback Band &Faith Evans and "The Funky Keyboardist" - Clyde Stubblefield/James Brown is pure genius. Ahmed can put out a series of singles and albums. Some are Jazzy, Funky instrumentals, poetry and some have singers on there that can truly sing no auto-tunes anywhere. Singers like Yvette Rovira, Yahzarah, Lenora Jaye and Michelle Thompson. Ahmed Sirour in my opinion is one amazing musician that no doubt will be going on my play list. Check out Ahmed Sirour’s, The B’Earthday Boy Collection on Streetwise Radio you will be amazed at this talented musician and become a fan.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

EU (Experience Unlimited)


Back in the late 80s if you were having a house party and you wanted to get the party started all the
DJ had to do was play “Da Butt” by EU. This song doesn't get the credit it deserves. We were doing this dance all most thirty years ago. Da Butt has influenced the dance they call twerking. It reminded me of Spike Lee’s movie School Daze a musical comedy drama. Which was based on his involvements at Atlanta's Morehouse College, Spelman College and Clark Atlanta University. It made me go back and watch it. I’m glad I did, it reminded me of how he has stayed true to himself. He’s always socially conscious and he makes movies about that, like his latest movie “Chi-Raq”. Well enough of that, that’s another story.
Back to EU they were a Go Go band out of Washington D.C. in the 80s and 90s. Go-Go is a popular music subgenre associated with funk that originated in Washington, D.C. They had several chart making songs of course “Da Butt” was their biggest hit. They also had “Taste Of Your Love” and “Buck Wild”. Fun Fact: E.U. recorded “Knock 'em Out, Sugar Ray” without any keyboards. Just vocals, drums, percussion, bass, horns and lead guitar. They were a funky band here are two more funky songs with that Go-Go beat, “Future Funk” and "Livin Large". EU experienced a return in the mid to late 1990s. They partnered with the jazz, gospel and pop singer Maiesha Rashad. They performed under her, Maiesha and The Hip Huggers featuring E.U. They have headlined events and concert venues such as B.B. King's Blues Club and Grill, DAR Constitution Hall, Black Family Reunion and D.C.'s Stone Soul Picnic. Another fun fact: In 2012, "Da Butt" was licensed for an Xbox 360 game Dance Central 3. EU was a funk band that truly brought the funk. For all you who haven’t heard of Experience Unlimited or EU check them out on Streetwise Radio. Enjoy!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Remembering Maurice White the Founder of Earth Wind & Fire

                                                   December 19, 1941 – February 4, 2016

My heart breaks! I’m so blessed to have grown up in the 70's. I just remember afros, beads, and good times! Simple times, the best times. Ever since Earth Wind & Fire began back in the 70s, I have loved their music. I had the honor of seeing Earth Wind & Fire in the 70s and the 80s. Each time I saw them they were fantastic! How many bands can claim, that not one of their songs is about anything negative? Always about love, happiness, celebration and being the best you can be. I heard someone say, Maurice wasn’t really a singer. I wanted to slap the mess out of them. I challenge them, go on YouTube and look for: Unreleased song by Maurice White/ EWF. The man not only could sing but had a beautiful voice. He and Philip Bailey were the lead singer of the group. He was also an amazing songwriter and the main songwriter. There will never be another like Maurice White. I had a lot of favorite songs back in the day but two of the most beautiful songs ever recorded in my opinion was “Reasons” and “Devotion”. Every time I here, “After the love has gone”, “Would You Mind”, “Can't Hide Love”, "That's The Way of The World", “September”, “Boogie Wonderland”, “Let's Groove”, “Fantasy”, "That's The Way of The World" and “Sing a Song” . I will remember Maurice White with a smile on my face. The World has lost an Icon a legend to Parkinson's disease, he passed away in his sleep. Thank You Lord for giving him to us for 74 years. Maurice White the founder of EWF, has inspired so many people around the world. With his amazing music and great message. He was indeed a Shining Star and we will all Keep our Heads to the Sky! Thank You for what you left us in your music that will live forever. R.I.P. you will be missed.